Donate in Kind
Everyone has something to give; surplus food, clothes, books. We help you connect with those who need what you have to give.

We help you keep your promise to give. Set up recurring monthly giving to a cause you care about
Connect with a credible cause that needs your surplus or giveaway to care for the needy. Be the reason someone smiles today.
Start GivingAdd an item (food, books, clothing etc) you want to donate to a charity on Helpcentral. Set up a pick-up location, time and select the charity you want to give.
Helpcentral matches your gift with charity based on your location of choice. Your gift is picked-up and delivered free to beneficiary at your convenient time and place.
If you run a non-profit giving relief to less-privileged people, sign up in 2 easy steps to start receiving donation for your beneficiaries
We verify your information and create a profile for you so donors can see what you've been up to. You also get a responsive dashboard for tracking your donation
My company was looking to purchase healthcare and food for a charity that’s closeby, and Helpcentral made our dream a reality. And they didn’t charge a kobo
Our desire for an impactful end-of-year CSR was easily realized with the help of Helpcentral
I was relocating to Canada with my family, and there were tons of items to deal with. Helpcentral connected me easily with 7 nearby orphanage homes that will put my items to good and immediate use, and also beared the cost of logistics. Realy, I cant thank them enough
My company was looking to purchase healthcare and food for a charity that’s closeby, and Helpcentral made our dream a reality. And they didn’t charge a kobo